Friday, November 30, 2012


I've been frantically busy for the last couple of days because I'm leaving in three days(!). I'm trying to get a bit of software working before I leave so that people coming down here in January will be able to do their jobs. After a couple of bleak days with no progress, I had a glimmer of hope yesterday when something finally worked. Now I just need to make it work BETTER. So instead of a coherent post, here are a couple of random bits:
Blaise demonstrating the importance of color coordinating one's outfit while doing a massive switchover of all the network gear in a computer cluster.
The South Pole Traverse (which I wrote about last week) made it to the Pole on Thursday, dropped off some fuel, then kept on going to a camp a few days' drive away from the Pole. I was in the middle of working and didn't want to keep a $100,000,000 detector idle just so I could take pictures, but I did manage to slip away to take one shot as the convoy approached. Those three murky blots on the horizon have been driving for a month to bring us huge amounts of fuel.

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