Friday, January 22, 2010

Done with drilling

I finished at drill camp yesterday, so I'll be working in the station for the rest of my time. The 20th hole was finished a couple of days ago, so the drillers are now tearing everything down and packing it away for winter.making sure it's all ready for a quick start next season when they drill the final 7 holes.

While I was at drill camp, I got to drive a 287 (a little forklift machine) out to the drill site where one of the drillers hitched the 287 to a fuel tank. I then followed him as he towed the drill building back to the main camp (that's me in the rear view mirror, and the red box is the building):

Here's the 287 parked in front of the TOS. The white tank in front of the building is the fuel tank (after it was reattached):

When everything is packed up and ready to be stored, they'll hook together all the buildings in drill camp and tow them to the berms, an area of land dedicated to long-term storage. The buildings will sit there (along with all the other equipment which isn't needed during the winter) all winter long. The snow piles up against them all winter, so one of the first jobs when people start arriving in October/November will be to uncover the buildings and haul them back to the new drill camp site

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