Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Busy day

Today was a busy day.

A co-worker/friend was arriving on an airplane from McMurdo today. The plane was originally scheduled to arrive at 11:30AM.

I went to sleep at around 6AM, and when I woke up at 10AM, I checked the flight arrival time and it had been moved to 11:40, so I went back to sleep. At around 11:10, I woke up and was slowly getting dressed when I heard an airplane. I quickly checked the website and the flight was now due to arrive at 11:20! I quickly finished getting dressed, raced out to the runway (which is between the station/summer camp area and the IceCube lab and drill camp), just as the plane came to a stop.

I greeted my friend and carried his bag in for him ... it takes a while to adjust to the lack of oxygen. A group of IceCube people then went to lunch, where I learned that someone had arrived with a case of the flu, so the doctor was asking anyone who had not yet been vaccinated to come to the clinic.

I got my shot then went back and got a few more hours' sleep, then went to the drill camp for my last night there.

I'm now in the station, and will be working from here for the rest of my stay, though I'm still sleeping in summer camp.

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